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Wednesday, 09/18/02

Barring an unprecedented intervention from the Job Fairy, I'm leaving Seattle at the end of October. In the three years I've lived here, and the two years I've been looking for work, I've never made a dime from within Washington State. The weather's lovely, the music's grand, I shall miss Two Dagos and the Asteroid and a good number of folks, but I can't keep living off savings, and even minimum-wage work isn't available. (Jen, who's moving to Massachusetts for work, tells me a story about her similarly unemployed brother, who lost out on a clerical job at Jiffy Lube to a guy with a law degree.)

The only positive economic news is that, contrary to my understanding, Washington hasn't actually had the worst unemployment in the nation for the last year or so. Of course, we do now.

So I'll be right under the wire for the Seattle blogging face-to-face. I think I met Kindall once at a Macworld, when he was boothing for Bare Bones, but I'm not sure I introduced myself. 12:37PM «

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