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Re: [FWP] Drunk Driving redux (what was he thinking?)


This looks like hungarian notation. For the life of me I can't imagine
_why_ someone would use it. And especially in a perl program. Is this
perp into fascist languages. He should probably be coding in something

Why should I have to rename all of my variables if I decide to change
something from int to double? Or one type to another. The compiler
(and lint) is _wonderful_ at finding type errors.

Isn't the _meaning_ of the contents sufficient. Why do I have to
commit my self to a type.

*blush*, sorry about that. I had a flashback to when I was forced into
doing some coding on an NT box.


>>>>> "VB" == Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com> writes:

>> I saw code like this recently, and I hope the perp isn't reading this:

VB>   opendir( dirPhdDir, $phdDirPath ) || die "couldn't open directory";
VB>   while( defined( $szPhdFile = readdir( dirPhdDir ) ) ) {
VB>       if ( index( $szPhdFile, ".phd." ) >= 0 ) {
VB>           ( $szRoot = $szPhdFile ) =~ s/\.phd\..*$//;
VB> 	      # ... remainder elided as irrelevant to the current discussion
VB>       }
VB>   }

VB> OK, stylistically, I really prefer all caps for filehandle / dirhandle
VB> names...
VB> and I don't like "C++-style" mixed case variables, but that's personal taste

Chaim Frenkel					     Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
chaimf@pobox.com				               +1-718-236-0183

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