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Re: [FWP] TPJ One-Liner #39

>>>>> "RJK" == Ronald J Kimball <rjk@linguist.dartmouth.edu> writes:

RJK> Abigail once asked in clpmisc for a way to match uppercase characters in
RJK> the current locale.  I suggested:
RJK> $uc = '[^' . quotemeta(lc join('', map {chr} 0x00 .. 0xFF)) . ']';
RJK> $string =~ /$uc/;
RJK> Then Abigail said she actually wanted an elegant method.  :)

I vaguely recall Jarkko mentioning that uc(lc()) may not be idempotent,
in some locales. Does anyone know if this is real or only a figment
of my imagination?

What could elegant be? Each character has to be examined.

Jarkko's POSIX character classes is the only elegant one I can think of.

Chaim Frenkel					     Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
chaimf@pobox.com				               +1-718-236-0183

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