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Re: [FWP] Weekend Edition Sunday Puzzle (from c.l.p.mod)

>From: Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com>

> Here's the puzzle:
>    Take the 9-letter-word SUBDEACON (the name of a church official).
>    The word contains the first 5 letters of the alphabet, ABCD and E
>    consecutively inside it, although not in alphabetical order. This
>    is a two-part challenge: first, can you think of a common 8-letter
>    word that has ABCDE consecutively inside it, not necessarily in
>    alphabetical order; second, can you think of a common 7-letter word
>    with the same property? Both answers are uncapitalized words that
>    are familiar to everyone.
>    (C) 1999 Will Shortz
> Solutions in Perl are running over there. Here's the puzzle in case anyone
> wants to play here, or isn't on c.l.p.mod or...

I seen that; I had a submission, but never submitted it.
If you run the below, you'll see why:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT

use strict;
use diagnostics -verbose;

my $len = -1;

open WORDS, "words" or die "No words file: $!";

while (<WORDS>) {
 chomp;              # no newline...
            s/#.*//; # no comments...
           s/^\s+//; # no leading whitespace...
           s/\s+$//; # no trailing whitespace...
 next unless length; # anything to process?

 print "\nInside of $_, I found ";

 while (++$len <= length($_)) {
      print substr($_, $len, 1)
          if (index("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
                     substr($_ , $len, 1)) > -1);

$len = -1;

# What did I find?
# I found yet another LONG way to split up
# words into individual characters...
# Not yet sure if that is good or bad...

-Sneex-  :]
Bill Jones * Data Security Specialist * http://jacksonville.pm.org/
FCCJ * 501 W State St * Jacksonville, FL 32202 * 1 (904) 632-3089
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