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Re: [FWP] 100 point words.

On Fri, Jul 23, 1999 at 02:23:35PM -0400, Ronald J Kimball wrote:

> perl -e'while(<>){$t+=1+ord($1)-ord"a"while/(.)/g;print if$t==100;$t=0}'

Here's a point counter:

#!/usr/bin/perl -apF''
print length join('',map{$_ x(ord(uc($_))-64)}@F),' ';

It just prints the point count and the word -- you can grep
for output lines starting with 100.

Don Marti       | As for systems that are not like Unix, such as 
dmarti@zgp.org  | MSDOS, Windows, the Macintosh, VMS, and MVS, 
http://zgp.org/ | supporting them is usually so much work that it
whois DM683     | is better if you don't. -- Richard M. Stallman

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