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Re: [FWP] From the Perl Conference 3.0 Perl quiz (1)

>>>>> "VB" == Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com> writes:

  VB> Here's the code... this is it... just these two lines.
  VB> Why doesn't this generate a syntax error?

  VB>     } BEGIN {
  VB>       @ARGV = <*m*>;

being in the quiz, i wish i had gotten this bonus question as i knew the
answer, but our opponents got it (wrong IIR). abigail invented this
idiom with the shortest line counter one liner:

perl -ple '}$_=$.;{'  foo 

as i see this thread is long i won't spoil that one either.


Uri Guttman  -----------------  SYStems ARCHitecture and Software Engineering
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