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RE: [FWP] Brief Coding Methods


You may recall a few weeks ago I promised to summarise the results 
of the brief coding problem I put forward.  Well its better late than

For those who have forgotten, the question was to solve the following
with the smallest number of characters. 

> The weekly circular contained a little puzzle. Find a 4 digit number ABCD
> and a five digit number EFGHI such that:
> 	 ABCD / EFGHI = 1 / 66 
> such that numbers 1 through 9 are all represented as digits in ABCD and
Amazingly enough the best solution so far takes only 44 chars to get
the value for ABCD, or 63 chars if you require the full formatted output.

[Note: In keeping with the netiquette rules of this list I have not named
My apologies to those who contributed and wanted their name up in pixels,
I'd better keep to the rules. Contributors, please post your comments!]

< Spoiler Gap>

\ /

\ /

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\ /

#Sol1 This was my original 74 char solution I had in mind when I 
#     posted the question, since then there have been many improvements.
for(;123456789-join("",sort split//,++$a.($b=$a*66));){};print"$a/$b=1/66"

#Sol2 Another suggested derivation, but a bit too long at 78 chars

#Sol3 With a bit of maths and applying a more tidy 1while construction
#     the join/split method can be reduced to 69 chars
1while((join"",sort split//,++$a.($b=$a*66))%10821);print"$a/$b=1/66"

#Sol4 This was blown out of the water by the use of RE's and map
#     down to only 49 chars. Note, this only prints the ABCD part
#     of the solution, but can find multiple solutions (Eg 44)

#Sol5 With slight tinkering Sol4 can be reduced to 44 chars
#     or into a pretty printed result with only 63 chars
map{print if($_.66*$_)!~/0|(.).*\1/}1E3..1E4
So that's where its at now. Anyone have any different ideas on how 
to improve this. 


Alistair McGlinchy,         alistair.mcglinchy@marks-and-spencer.com
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