Perl is great. However, I'm sure that all of you have been annoyed at the fact that it forces you to write from left to right instead of top to bottom. To remedy this situation, here's a perl program that lets you write your programs lt ih ki es . Call it like perl -w updown myscript =cut= #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w use strict; my(@file, $maxlen, @lines); $maxlen = 0; while (<>) { # note: considers all input to be one big file chomp; push @file, $_; length > $maxlen and $maxlen = length; } for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxlen; $i++) { my $cur = ''; for (@file) { if (length $_ < $i + 1) { $cur .= ' '; } else { $cur .= substr($_, $i, 1); } } $cur .= "\n"; push @lines, $cur; } for (@lines) { s/ *$// } eval join '', @lines; =cut= To get you started, here's a sideways perl script to print random city names: =cut= ummmm f } syyyy om$m$mp e rysysyr $@@@ 1 2 i saCVE m$ $ $n tm ro=== 1=2=3 iu $ u cnqqq c=$ $ c ttwww o V=V=f ; /// u$[ [ i =bat nCi$i$r o t[nCnEs 3cen it[t[t 0 (n(i(i ;gyb 1trnrn$ u .(atats cor .rn(n(1 h g $adrdr, i an(a(a g/l md$n$n$ r;e o(#d#ds t u$V(V(2 d n# $ $, f tC+#+# g o ) C E$ l r +1 1 s d { )+)+3 f 1) ) , / v )]1]1 ; i ););)" l ] ) )\ l ; ] ]n e ; ;" ; d a l e / ; =cut= BUGS: among other things, it's a little hard to get command line args to the updownperl program. I hope you all find this useful in your sideways Perl endeavours! --David Glasser ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe