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RE: [FWP] Sideways Perl

Bill Jones [mailto:bill@fccj.org] says:
: Tom Christiansen has already done this with 'Rot90'...

(Look for "Tom Christiansen".)

So, rot90 has been done (by a number of folks). But I couldn't find a rot45.
One would find such a trick handy when presented with one of those
wordsearch puzzles where you have a rectangle of gibberish and are required
to find a list of words that can be found in the puzzle either forward,
backward, up, down, or any flavor of diagonal: just rotate the puzzle 45
degrees and m// through it, e.g (spaces for readability):

-------  -------  -------  ------- 
0 deg    45 deg   90 deg   135 deg  
-------  -------  -------  ------- 
A B C D     A     M I E A     M  
E F G H    E B    N J F B    N I 
I J K L   I F C   O K G C   O J E 
M N O P  M J G D  P L H D  P K F A 
          N K H             L G B
           O L               H C
            P                 D

-------  -------  -------  ------- 
180 deg  225 deg  270 deg  315 deg  
-------  -------  -------  -------  
P O N M     P     D H L P     D     
L K J I    L O    C G K O    C H    
H G F E   H K N   B F J N   B G L   
D C B A  D G J M  A E I M  A F K P  
          C F I             E J O
           B E               I N
            A                 M

Eli Evans
Text Preparation Manager
Libronix Corp.
Ec 12:12; Jn 21:22

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