I just wanted to lob in a little caution; while it's clear that OmniMark has missed the ... well, mark in their marketing, and they're saddled with a pack of advertising geniuses who should be rounded up and shot, it's not so clear to me that the product should be dismissed out of hand. _I_ might not want to use it, and neither may _you_, but there are a lot of respected people who seem to like it. I've been watching SGML for some years, using the Linuxdoc DTD for my own documentation and keeping an eye on comp.text.sgml, and one thing seems clear: OmniMark is a major and respected player in the SGML industry. As best I can recall, the context in which its name comes up most often is doing SGML->SGML transformations on an industrial scale. It could be that a DSSSL engine like Jade, or the combination of an SGML parser (like NSGMLS) bound to a good language (e.g. SGMLS.PM for a Perl binding) has replaced it, but for years it seemed to be the tool professionals wielded when they had gigs of documents validated against one DTD, and changing requirements forced a major revision of the DTD. All of which has nothing much to do with Perl. Anybody having fun with SGMLS.PM, or any other SGML whacking modules for Perl? -Bennett ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe