>And after looking at this code, I have to laugh. This is some of the >weirdest Perl I've ever seen. :-) Things I find very amusing: * His repeated copyright notices, as if we'd want to steal his code. * Random indentation * A function called "generate()" * Screens and screens of reinvented date/time functions * Functions like this: ################################################# # Sub get_century # ################################################# sub get_century(){ my ($century) = $lady_site_current_century - 1; return $century; } * Aggressive underscores: local ($__month, $__day) = @_; * Using hardcoded two-character strings as list separators. xoxo, Andy -- Andy Lester: andy@petdance.com http://petdance.com/ <CF_BOOK TITLE="Practical ColdFusion"> ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe