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Re: [FWP] R/E Question

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Jones <bill@fccj.org> writes:

    Bill> (ftp://|http://)[^ ]+
    Bill> Now for the question: Your thoughts?

For my IRC bot, I scan for things that resemble URLs, without being
too strict.  Since I'm not dealing with a large number of URLs at
once, for each URL I think I find, I shoot off a HEAD request to
the URL candidate, and only if I get a valid response from the
server do I list it.

Here is the main URL sniffing code:

  my $validchar = '[^\s<>"#{}|\\^\[\]\`@,]';

  for ( split ( /\s+/, $msg ))
    next if ( ! ( tr/\./\./ ));  # What's a URL without dots?

    if ( m{
       | (?:ftp|www)$validchar*\.$validchar+
       | $validchar+[^.]\.(?:com|net|edu|org|us|uk|ca|de|se|au|jp|no|fr|nl|dk|tw)/?$validchar*
        }xoi )
      my $URL = $1;
      found_url ( $nick, $host, $chan, $URL );

Things of note:

Finding http:// is a sure sign someone is giving a URL.
Otherwise ftp or www smells like a URL.
Looking for common TLDs can find URLs like sneaky.ca, obviously my
list isn't complete.

found_url does a little more cleaning with the URL:

sub found_url ( $$$$ )
  my ( $nick, $host, $chan, $url ) = @_;

  $url =~ s/^[.,()<>{}?!]+//;  # Strip extra characters from the front of the url -CGH
  $url =~ s/[.,()<>{}?!]+$//;  # Ditto back.
  $url = uf_uristr( $url );

This works pretty well for my own purposes.  I'd love to hear
suggestions on how to make this better.


- Robert

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