On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Perl lover wrote: > write a program as short as possible(i made one, less than 70 > characters) to print numbers derived from (x+y) ** n (n is 1 to 14) > in the following format: [Pascal's triangle snipped] Shorter entries have already been posted, but just for fun I'd like to add one that doesn't use an array: perl -e 'for($_="\n";s/\d+(?= (\d+))/$&+$1/eg<14;print){s/^/1 /}' This was derived from my one-line ASCII Sierpinski triangle generator by applying the fact that a "discrete Sirpinski triangle" is nothing more than a Pascal's triangle modulo 2: perl -e 'for($_="db\n";print;s/..(?=d)/$&^"DB"/eg){s/^/ /}' | less (How's that for obfuscated Perl? I really like that bitwise xor..) -- Ilmari Karonen http://www.sci.fi/~iltzu/ ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe