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Re: [FWP] A major screw-up: infinite loop

On Jul 31, Paul King said:

>I guess you can say that  Perl had fun with me. For clarity, this
>bug has already been solved, and I think it is a bug that is unique
>to Perl, and something that makes a clever novice-level puzzle.

>$upper = 2048;
>for  ($i = 1; $i <= $upper; $i ++) {
>   $date = &getadatestringfromsomewhere();
>   $my_date = &parseDate($date); # return a different date format

My guess is your "bug" is centered around the lack of variable
scope.  Your parseDate() function probably uses a variable $i without
declaring it locally or putting it in a separate package.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan     japhy@pobox.com     http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
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