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Re: [FWP] A major screw-up: infinite loop

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 08:11:56PM -0700, Kevin Cureton wrote:
> > $upper = 2048;
> > for  ($i = 1; $i <= $upper; $i ++) {
> >    $date = &getadatestringfromsomewhere();
> >    $my_date = &parseDate($date); # return a different date format
> > }
> Hazard my guess. The space between $i and ++ means that $i will never
> get incremented in the above for loop.
> [...]
> Is whitespace really that evil?).


Except for newlines, in a few cases, but most of those have been fixed, I
think.  :)

> Oh, and don't cram the whole program into one line (which is not the case
> with this program, but I see that far too often on this list.

That's for fun, not for production code.  And this is the Fun With Perl


perl -e'$_="\012534`\!./4(%2`\cp%2,`(\!#+%2j";s/./"\"\\c$&\""/gees;print'

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