Hi All, At the Perl Conference 4.0 I was on a Perl Golf Apocalypse team (Team Bridge) along with two co-workers. I thought I'd write up some impressions for anyone interested. Reading this list and seeing the distinguished panel in charge of the contest made me very reluctant to be on a team when a co-worker suggested the idea. But I was raised to always face a challenge. I was also brought up believing that public humiliation and derision build character, of which you can never have enough. (This explains why I continue to post to this list. :-}) If those weren't good enough reasons I finally decided to join with the hope that I would win a door prize. The contest was made up of two rounds. The first round was 9 holes played by 10 teams. The top 5 teams would then continue to another round to decide the winners. Each hole had a time-limit of 3-6 minutes. Each hole was stored in a separate directory. You cd'ed into the directory that contained a file with the problem description and program framework. There was also an "expected results" file to help you determine if you had a correct answer. You edited the framework, tested, then copied to another filename to submit your answer. Most of the problems were not one-liners, but functions in which the golf shot was the body of the function. We found the time limits much too short. It took us a minute or so to understand the problem and formulate an approach. At that point you had precious little time to code and debug the answer. Let alone try to make it an elegant and concise golf shot. I think most teams had trouble completing any of the problems in the time-limit. We only got one or two of the first 8 answered at all. The contest was not completed. It was cancelled midway. Due to technical difficulties I presume. The organizers were having a lot of trouble with the remote-control system they had developed to ensure fairness and quick analysis of results. (I'll let Uri, Ron or Nathan expound if they wish.) Even so, the contest resulted in a lot of fun for me and my teammates. The evening before the contest at dinner we were discussing the contest and golf shots I had seen on this list. We came up with a few problems to solve. Some are dumb or trivial but being new to Perl golf I think it's cool how easily you can do some things. Here are our solutions. I would love to see the FWP list's improvements. + Implement cat(1): perl -pe\; <file>+ + Implement yes(1): perl -le'print"@ARGV"||"y"while 1' + Strip off leading whitespace from each line of a file perl -i -pes/^\\s+// <file> + Copy a file perl -e'open B,">".pop;print B<>' <source-file> <target-file> + "Backup" files in a directory tree to *.bak perl -e'sub x{($a)=@_;(-f)?(open(A,$_),open(B,">$_.bak"),print B<A>):x($_)for<$a/*>}x(shift)' <directory> Solving these example problems was a lot of fun for my teammates and me. We learned more Perl. We probably annoyed the guy next to us in the terminal room. I deem the contest a success as a whole. Thanks, gentlemen! BTW, Uri/Ron/Nathan, can you post the holes that were played during the contest? I would really like to try my hand at them in a more relaxed setting. Hope you have a very nice day, :-) Tim Ayers (tayers@bridge.com) P.S. After the contest was cancelled, the organizers decided to pull numbers out of a hat to divy up the prizes. My team each won the promise of a cube refrigerator and $40 to stock it with goodies, plus an Addison-Wesley book. :-) P.P.S. I regret not getting the chance to introduce myself to Uri, Ron or Nat in all the commotion. But at least I have faces to go with names. ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe