=head1 TITLE Traffic Signals Should be Rationalized =head1 VERSION Maintainer: Marb Groddinus <mjd@perl.com> Date: 28 Aug 2000 Version: 1 Mailing List: perl6-auto Number: 57 =head1 ABSTRACT Traffic signals should be changed from their present red, yellow, and green colors to blue, teal, and orange, respectively. =head1 DESCRIPTION Traffic signal devices themselves are frequently yellow. This lack of orthogonality frequently confuses beginners who wonder why one of the lamps is the same color as the device itself but the other two are not. My proposal removes this difficulty by changing the yellow light to a teal light. Furthermore, the essential relationship between 'stop' and 'slow down, stop impending' is emphasized by the new system because blue and teal appear very similar. In the old system these lights were red and yellow and there was nothing about this that suggested the natural relationship to the beginning driver. In the old system 'stop' and 'go' were opposite colors; my proposal preserves this property by making them blue and orange. =head1 IMPLEMENTATION Existing traffic signals would not need to be discarded. All that is necessary is to change the glass lenses over the lamps. =head1 REFERENCES RFC 33, "There should be another signal after 'stop' and before 'go'." ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe