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"guy-oriented" programming methodology Re: [FWP] another word for object?

Ulf Rompe wrote:

> What about "Dings" or even "Dingens", which could be translated to
> "thingy". In Germany one can say "Dings" to everything of which one is
> not shure what ist is. If you only forgot it's name you may call it
> "Dingsbums". Maybe one can tranlate that as "foobar".
> I would like to read a technical draft full of those words. (It seems
> like many people speak like this but nobody wants to write it!)
> [x] ulf

I took a course from a Chinese graduate student who did not speak English
very well, she used "guy" like it meant "thing"

this confused me until I saw an American giving a presentation and referring
to the lines on his drawing as guys.

I'm not suggesting "guy-oriented" programming methodology, although it
must be admitted it could make for a hilarious parody paper.

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 nicold@umkc.edu
     perl -e'@w=<>;for(;;){sleep print$w[rand@w]}' /usr/dict/words

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