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Re: [FWP] perl poetry: push on, learn and code;

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Jeff Pinyan wrote:

jeffp> It took me an hour, and I posted it on perlmonks.org:
jeffp>   http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=43535

Something I wrote a few months ago at the insistence of someone who should
really know better (go watch _Trainspotting_ if you don't get it).  
Apologies for the lack of incorporation in an appropriate script:

	Choose mnemonic identifiers.  Choose Strict.  Choose Packaging.  
	Choose a bloody obscure naming convention, choose library paths
	longer than the program text, golf, JAPHs and operatoratic
	pedantry.  Choose 5.6 , high caffiene and upgrading woes.  Choose
	no friends.  Choose black jeans and matching #!/bin/perl JAPH
	shirts.  Choose names for your OO libraries in a range of obtuse
	weird injoke-derived names.  Choose Perl and wondering why the
	fsck you don't have an outside life.  Choose 'use'ing those
	fscking OO libraries and wondering what on earth you were on at
	the time.  Choose rotting away at the end of it all, always
	bringing up your lowest ever JAPH score, nothing more than an
	embarressment to the selfish, fscked up lusers who just installed
	8.3 and know nothing about how real perl programming is meant to

	Choose Your Future.

	Choose to Have Fun With Perl


Its all Jason's fault.

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