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[FWP] Fun with pack()

perl -le'print map{substr"  ETINAMSDRGUKWOHBLZFCP VX Q YJ",vec(pack("b*"
         ,$_.1),0,8),1}split/ /,".--- ..- ... -  .- -. --- - .... . .-."
         ."  .--. . .-. .-..  .... .- -.-. -.- . .-."'

Ilmari Karonen - http://www.sci.fi/~iltzu/
"It's just one of those things two or more people can get up to and enjoy, and
 the genders of those people really aren't all that relevant, though of course
 with certain mixes some additional peripherals are required to get things
 going..."                           -- Matt McLeod in the monastery on sodomy

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