Okay, I've got it down to 201: @d=13..64;for(0,5,5,10){@h=sort+map{splice@d,rand@d ,1}b..n;for$s(0..3){$t=(S,H,D,C)[$s].': ';$s-$_%4 ||($t.=(2..9,T,J,Q,K,A)[16-$_/4])for@h;$t[$_+$s].= ($_%2?'':$"x12).sprintf'%-23s',$t}}$\=$,=$/;print@t Some of my earlier attempts had a bug ("a..n" in place of "b..n") that gave 14 cards to North, East, and West and only 10 to South. That's probably enough of my time spent on this thing. Besides, every time I check my e-mail I'm afraid Abigail will have posted a 100-stroke solution. -- Keith C. Ivey <kcivey@cpcug.org> Washington, DC ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe