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Re: [FWP] Real World Perl

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Vicki Brown wrote:
>     if ( $year < 100 ) {
>         $cc = 19;
>       }
>     else {
>        $cc = 20;
>        $year = $year - 100;
>        $year = "0" . $year if length($year) < 2;
>       }

This being the Fun With Perl list, I can only presume that the "fun"
part, at least for the rest of us, is the ability to press D and have
the ugliness just vanish, instead of having to maintain it?

That still leaves open the question of how exactly it is fun for you.
Of course, there is a certain amount of satisfaction involved in
replacing such code with something sane, but it usually evaporates
rather quickly once one happens to think about the actual significance
of having removed 20 lines of bogosity from a 20000 line project.

Or perhaps this function was the last of its kind, safely preserved in
stasis at the conclusion of a massive eradication campaign?  That would
indeed be cause for joy, though if that really were the case I would've
expected rather more gloating than your message actually showed..

It did bring back memories, it sure did.

Ilmari Karonen - http://www.sci.fi/~iltzu/
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