The following are valid perl statements using boolean functions: print "jas" || "root"; print "up" && "down"; However, they aren't very interesting because since we're comparing non-empty strings, || will always return the first, and && will always return the second. However, perl also has a binary 'or' and 'and' operators (often used inadvertently by programmers that mean to use the boolean functions above). For some very special words and order, however, the two respective operators "||" and "|", and "&&" and "&" give the same result. I call these special pairs of words, "Bulleans" for the obvious reason. Fr'instance, print "love" & "hate"; # Hate if you want both print "love" | "hate"; # Love if you have a choice print "good" & "bad"; # Badness overwhelms The challenge is to write some perl, that looks through a list of words and prints pairs of Bulleans. A good par is 78 strokes. But this is rather memory hungry and I look forward to better solutions - its not a difficult problem...more so that the resulting word lists would be fun (to use?). perl -e'chomp(@_=<>);map{$c=$_;map{print"$c $_\n"if!($_ eq$c)&&(($_&$c)eq$_)}@_}@_' An interesting aside: 1. Bulleans are commutative. ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe