Naked art -- here is what happens when you (OK, I) have 10mins to write a script before the plug gets pulled and this router is shipped to its next destination. Note: *still* use strict & warnings :-) Paul #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; (my $prog = $0) =~ s~^.*/~~; die "$prog new_ip new_mask new_gw\nExample: $prog\n" unless @ARGV == 3; my ($new_ip, $new_mask, $new_gw) = @ARGV; my $current_ip = ''; my $current_gw = ''; my $current_mask = ''; my @config_files = map { "/etc/$_" } qw( hosts network/interfaces apache/httpd.conf dhcpd.conf bind/named.conf rsyncd.conf lrp-firewall/ipfilter.conf lrp-firewall/network.conf ); push @config_files, $0; # self-modifying! for my $file (@config_files) { print "Modifying '$file'...\n"; my $sys = qq[ perl -pi~ -e ' s/\\b$current_ip\\b/$new_ip/g; s/\\b$current_gw\\b/$new_gw/g; s/\\b$current_mask\\b/$new_mask/g; ' $file]; system($sys) == 0 or die "$prog: $sys failed: $@"; # print "Just did:\n$sys\n"; } print <<DONE; Done. Reboot for changes to take effect or restart the network, Apache web and BIND name services: # /etc/init.d/networking restart # ndc restart # apachectl graceful DONE ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe