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Re: [FWP] awww, no fun :(

>>>>> "R" == Rick Delaney <rick.delaney@home.com> writes:

R> Jeff Pinyan wrote:
>> On Apr 12, Michael G Schwern said:
>> >  perl -wle 'sub foo { last; } while(1) { foo() }'
>> >
>> >In any sane universe, that loop would never exit.  In perl's, it exits
>> >on the first iteration (with a warning).
>> Except that this functionality was explicitly added to Perl, around 5.005
>> I believe.

R> That doesn't sound right.  Cite, please?  I don't have an older Perl
R> than 5.005 lying around but I think it behaved that way before too. 
R> Maybe just the warning is new.

It works the same in slightly older than 5.005
  $ perl5 -v

  This is perl, version 5.004_04 built for sun4-solaris

  $ perl5 -wle 'sub foo { last; } while(1) { foo() }'
  Exiting subroutine via last at -e line 1.

Tim Ayers (tayers@bridge.com)

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