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Re: [FWP] awww, no fun :(

>>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com> writes:

  Uri> and that can be done with eval/die as well which is designed for
  Uri> things like that. this escaping a loop using last in a sub is
  Uri> obscure at best and definitely confusing. the fact that it warns
  Uri> and the eval/die doesn't is a major reason to use the latter.

  RLS> But the warnings were added fairly recently.  Larry told me
  RLS> directly that last/next/redo are permitted from subs so that subs
  RLS> can be used to implement named control-steps in a control
  RLS> structure.  Or at least that was the original intent.  With the
  RLS> warning being triggered, it's obviously not useful to
  RLS> warnings-enabled programs.

well, is it still needed with eval/die working? as someone pointed out,
die allows passing of a string to $@ which can be very useful. 

the other idea of using a signal handler to set a flag to exit is not
clean. there may be multiple nested loops and you would then have to
check the flag in each one. gets ugly quick. think about programming
without last/next. remember the days of needing to check all those
boolean flags all the time? yecch!


Uri Guttman  ---------  uri@sysarch.com  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
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