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Re: [FWP] japhy had a silly idea...

>From fwp-l Tue May 29 02:28:39 2001

On Mon, 28 May 2001, Abigail wrote:

> Well.... only if you match against finite strings. However, regexes
> can match infinite strings as well. And since there is an obvious,
> 1-to-1 mapping between the set of reals between 0 and 1 and the set of
> strings (including the infite length strings) consisting of digits only,
> and each such a string is matched by /^\d+$/, it's not true that a set
> matched by a regex is of countable size.

OK, fine, we might allow for infinite strings. What about the RE itself,
can it be inifinite, countably or even uncountably, like




Or the other way round: A RE that matches the comma separated list of all
prime numbers. Or:

We learned in the discussion, that we can represent all reals in [0,1] by
inifinite strings. What about inifinte subsets of [0,1]. Like: Find a RE
that exactly matches a subset of [0,1] that is no Lebesque measurable
(Hint: This smells like the axiom of choice)

Have fun

Robert C. Helling        Institut fuer Physik
                         Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
print "Just another      Fon +49 30 2093 7964
       stupid .sig\n";	 http://www.aei-potsdam.mpg.de/~helling

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