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Re: [MacPerl-AnyPerl] optimizing a beginners script

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:18:08 +0200, Allan Juul wrote:

>using the copy module i´ve written a (beginners)script, which will look in a
>txt.file to detecte images (gifs or jpgs) which at the same time also occur
>in a directory named "pics". when found in the txt.file it will make the
>relevant directory-name and copy the relevant image into that directory just
>created. the whole stuff goes into a direcory called "copied".

That looks like a pretty simple requirement. I can't see why you need
such a huge script. First, some small remarks; after which I'll propose
my own idea.

>	$dollar = @pics[$i];

You're not running the script using -w, are you? See the FAQ,

  What is the difference between $array[1] and @array[1]?

>	if ($dollar =~ /[a-z0-9_]\.(gif|jpg)/ig)

"[a-z0-9_]" under //i is the same as "\w". So you're looking for files
with a name ending in a word character, followed by typical image file

But, why is it not anchored? Not that it horst that much...

>		{
>		foreach $line (@search)
>			{	
>			 if ($line =~

You've lost me here. You need a file specification following an "="
sign, optionally between quotes, with a directory specification for
which you only need the final \w+ part as a directory?

>			 	{
>				$directory = $2;
>				opendir(COPYMASTER, ".") or die "unable";
>				@nomast = readdir(COPYMASTER);
>				closedir(COPYMASTER);

Now this is REALLY confusing. You're reading the contents of a directory
for each file, and you're not using the reasul anywhere else.

>				mkdir("copied/$directory", 0666);	

Hmmm... can you even create a new file in that directory? I think you
need X permissions for that.

>				use File::Copy;


>				copy("Copy.pm",\*STDOUT);'


>				use POSIX;
>				use File::Copy cp;
>				$n=FileHandle->new("/dev/null","r");
>				cp($n,"x");'

I don't understand this. It seems like just a waste of time.

>				}
>			}
>		}
>	}

So here's my proposal. You read from the file. For each line, you try to
extract the directory name and file name from the path. If it fails, or
if it's not an image filename, skip to the next line. You see if the
file exists. If it does, copy the file to it's new location.

  use File::Copy;
  @ARGV = "dump.txt";
  while(<>) {
      s/.*?=// or next;
      s/^"// and s/"$//;
      my($dir, $file) = /(\w+)\/([^\/]+\.(?:gif|jpg|jpeg))$/i or next;
      -e "pic/$file" or next;
      mkdir $dir, 0777;
      copy "pic/$file", "copied/$dir/$file"
        or warn "Can't copy file $file: $!\n";

That's it. Untested, though.

Could anything be following the filename in dump.txt, apart from a quote


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