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Re: [MacPerl-AnyPerl] loop through directories

>hello again,
>i need a guideline to modify a script.
>basically i have a directory  called "root" that contains subdirectories
>which agian might contain even more subdirectories - all these
>directories, apart from "root" contain image-files. i also have a
>directory called "txtfiles" which contains txt-files and any number of
>subdirectories containg further txt.files. these txt.files are html,
>txt, asp etc.
>i want to extract all image information from within these txt.files,
>then check if the images indeed exist in their respective directories
>and if so copy them into correct directories  all
>into a directory called"copied";
>my approach can be seen in the script below, where i collect all lines
>of the txt.files (only in the txtfiles directory itself and possibly one
>(1) subdirectory) into one large txt-file called
>"complete.txt" for later use.
>i think iīm able to do this the hard way , but my question is, isnīt
>there a smart way to loop through any possible subdirectory, then exit
>the loop when no more directories present,
>instead of doing this construction:?
>if  (this is a directory)
>     if(this is a txt.file
>         {read lines}
>     if  (this is a directory)
>         {opendir
>             if(this is a txt.file
>                 {read lines}
>   and so on forever ...
>thanks allan


Hi Allan (again :-),

I recently wrote a little script that steps recursively through 
folders and gathers all filenames.  In principle, it is what you are 
looking for. Note the file test operators '-d' for directory test and 
'-f' for plain file test.

#! perl -w
use strict;

# This is only an example on how to step recursively
# through folders, adjust it for your needs


my $file = '';
my @filelist = ();	# all filenames will go into this
		# global array

my $txt_folder = 'Harddisk:full:path:to:textfiles:folder';


foreach $file (@filelist) { # testing 1.. 2.. 3..
  print "-$file-\n";

# SUB(s)

sub check_folders {
   my($dir) = @_;
   local (*FOLDER); # use local for filehandles

    # itīs always safer to make the filehandle local
    # see perlfaq5.pod, Files and FileHandles:
    # How can I make a filehandle local to a subroutine?

    my(@subfiles, $file, $specfile);

    opendir(FOLDER, $dir) or die "cannot open $dir";
        # only file and folder names show up, no full paths
        # adding the maindir is necessary
    @subfiles = readdir(FOLDER);

   foreach $file (@subfiles) {
      $specfile = $dir . ':' . $file;
      if (-d $specfile) {
          # -d test for directory, -f test for file etc.
          # lookup '-d' in Shuck or find '-X' in perlfunc.pod
         &check_folders($specfile); # RECURSION
      } elsif (-f $specfile) {
         push(@filelist, $specfile);
         # do your text line stuff here
         # (consider to write the lines to the complete.txt file
         # directly, without buffering in an array)


Best regards

-- Thomas

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