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[MacPerl-Scribes] Re: Using MacPerl for CGI Programming

At 3:30 PM -0600 3/19/00, David Steffen wrote:
>"The inability of Mac OS to run multiple copies of MacPerl"
>...I feel that I am on thin ice, do mostly to my lack of 
>understanding of how the running of multiple Perl scripts is handled 
>by *nix (Linux, in my case).
>I *think* what happens is that you have two different copies of perl 
>in memory at the same time to run the two different scripts, but I 
>haven't been able to figure out how to be sure of that.
>Further, as is apparent to readers of MacPerl-WebCGI, the issue of 
>multiple simultaneous CGIs is confusing, at least as I explain it. 
>(The confusion is caused by the stand-alone nature of the CGI 
>mini-applications that MacPerl uses; you can have a bunch of those 
>running at one time just so long as two of them don't invoke MacPerl 
>at the same time.)

Unlike Mac OS, *nix systems have no problem with running multiple instances
of an executable binary.  Modern ones optimize a bit, however, using a
common "code" section but separate "data" sections.  For large binaries
such as Perl, this can result in a significantly smaller memory footprint.

In short, if you were to look at the memory of a *nix system which is
running a number of Perl CGI scripts, you would find multiple sets of
transient data, but only one copy of the Perl interpreter code.

Rich Morin:          rdm@cfcl.com, +1 650-873-7841, http://www.ptf.com/~rdm
Prime Time Freeware: info@ptf.com, +1 408-433-9662, http://www.ptf.com
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