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[MacPerl-WebCGI] Re:

>Hi all,
>I'm not sure if this is a macperl problem or a basic HTML problem. I want
>to write a script which displays an image at a particular position (the
>whole image is still in the page... ie not just a fraction of the image is
>displayed). Also i would like the specific position highlighted with maybe
>a box or something..
>does anybody have any ideas on how i would go about this?
>Dr Adam Witney,
>Malaria Program,
>Naval Medical Research Center,
>12300 Washington Avenue,
>Rockville, MD 20852
>Tel: 301 295 1821
>Fax: 301 295 6171

You can do this, I think, with DHTML floating boxes.  One would float the
box (which would have to be a transparent GIF so that only the box's sides
would be opaque) over the image.  The box could be anitmated. I say "I
think" because I am not sure if a floating box can be a transparent GIFs.
I've just never tried it.

This would be "easy" using GoLive CyberStudio which automates all the nasty
HTML coding one would have to do.  Strictly speaking, this would not be a
perl script, but DHTML. Of course if you wanted to make the box interactive
you might need CGI.

The limitation would be that users would have to have DHTML capable browser.

If you want to see an current example of this DHTML technique look at
Adobe's (www.adobe.com) new website that animates some text and a
butterfly.  You'll need that DHTML capable browser however (Netscape 4.5 or

Peter R. Wiley

PR/Design -- Research & Communication & Design Services for Public Affairs
& Politics
301 South 21st Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837-1615

Phone: 570-522-0738                      Fax: 570-522-0736
	E-Mail: prdesign@sunlink.net

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