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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] reading list

At 12:26 PM -0700 8/25/99, Larry Moore said:
>"Richard K. Moore" <rkmoore@iol.ie> wrote:
>>Dear Larry,
>>I certainly second Tomer's recommendation to start by learning Perl.
>>I'd merely caution that Perl takes a considerable time investment, as a
>>language and runtime environment.  The CGI part, in my humble estimate,
>>would only be about 10% of the learning curve.  Learning to use Perl & its
>>modules effectively (I haven't 'mastered' Perl and may never) took me
>>about 3 months (full time) with the help of a friend acting as tutor.
>>best of luck,
>I've been working on perl for a while - somedays it falls together and some
>days it falls apart. :-) You are right about the sweat-capital involved - I
>wouldn't have attempted this job six months ago.

	I'll jump into this discussion by saying that although I've heard
alot of good comments about the "Llama" and "Camel" books on PERL, they
strike me as TOO "programmer-centric" for them to be of any use to me,
personally. Too many of these books assume some programming experience or
	Being a Mac-head, the "MacPERL: Power and Ease" is a good choice.
Probably not much good for PC people, though.
	Another saving grace is "PERL and CGI for the World Wide Web"
Visual Quickstart Guide. I LOVE these Visual Quickstart Guides, as I am a
visual learner and reading something like Randall Swartz's PERL book was
akin to trying to read a Physics book in high school! He lost me on about
page 40!   8P
	Give me some kind of diagram, anytime. Hell, when someone creates a
interactive CD-ROM PERL programming tutorial I'm THERE!   ; )


patrick@WebArchitecture.com       503-558-8322      Clackamas(Portland), OR
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