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RE: [MacPerl-WebCGI] reading list

At 14:27 -0700 9/8/99, Walter Torres wrote:
> Ya know, I have heard others say the same or similar things, but I have
> found that CGI.pm, albeit very good and helpful, is just too big for 95%
> what I need to do.
> I just cgi-lib.pl, this takes care of 95% of what I need to do, the rest,
> use CGI.pm.

The only real problem I have with this is that cgi-lib.pl is old (Perl 4)
and considered deprecated these days as near as I can tell.

For example, one of the slides in Randal Schwartz's talk at the Perl
Conference discussed CGI scripting... specifically, use CGI.pm, don't use
cgi-lib.pl, if you're still using cgi-lib.pl, upgrade.

But that's Randal...

So if cgi-lib.pl works for you, that's terrific. Just understand that it
probably won't be updated or improved, CGI.pm seems to be the recognized
"way to go" ... and you may not get much help as more people use the new
and stop using the old.

As for "it's just too big"... I tend to pick up an existing script and
change it, so it's pretty easy to use. Also, I find that many things that
seem too big become less unwieldy with repeated use: e.g. module inclusion,
subroutines, use strict, testing, comments, READMEs, ... Perl :-)

- Vicki
-- --
       |\      _,,,---,,_       Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com>
 ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Journeyman Sourceror: Scripts & Philtres
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