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[MacPerl-WebCGI] POSTing forms, MIME types, and some trivia


Three quick questions:

1)  POSTing forms using MacPerl?  Anyone care to point me in the 
direction of an online resource, an example, or even post :) a code 
snippet to the list?  Doesn't sound like it will be tricky, I just need a 
working example to analyse.

2)  Structured data MIME type?  If I wanted to suck structured data out 
of a database via a cgi and a web server, what would be the most 
appropriate MIME type to use - text/plain?  The data would be 
comma-delimited text.

3)  Trivia.  What's the largest size string that can be assigned to a 
scalar variable?  Any sneaky ways to get around this, in order to handle 
unexpectedly large results?

Basically I'd like a MacPerl application to collect data from a user 
offline and then submit this information to a server using POST when they 
go online.  (The reason for POSTing the data is because it could be up to 
4K in size, and GET only supports about 256 characters, if I remember 
correctly.)  The results (of the form submission, returned by the server) 
would just be structured, comma-delimited text which would be dissected 
and handled by the client-side MacPerl application.

Many thinks in advance.


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