I'm sure this is fairly easy but... I'm just starting to mess around with CGI.pm and there's one field I have (the code fragment below) %auspices = ( 0 => '<IMG src="/main_resources/auspice-r.jpg"> Riddler\'s moon', ... 7 => '<IMG src="/main_resources/auspice-wan-c.jpg"> Wanning Crescent'); print $signup->radio_group('auspice', [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], '', 'true', \%auspices), problem is that for the image it spits out html-escaped text i.e. <IMG src="/main_resources/auspice-r.jpg"> instead of [image] Aside from just doing it the html way is there a way to turn this off for this section of code? le meas, --nick ==== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ==== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-webcgi-request@macperl.org