Hi, I posted a question (Getting the text from a HTMLfile. / match problem ?) before, I'm still working on that problem , so far I have come up with the code below: But one big problem remains. After the until statement I still need to assign the text between some HTML comments to a scalar like below I need to get the following result: $some_name = "TEXT TEXT TEXT<br>TEXT <b>TEXT</b> TEXT<br>"; I cant read line by line since the text that needs to be assigned can be on sevral lines, insteed I need to read the file so that it starts with getting the scalars name in the first comment then assignes the text after that comment until it m/<!--END -->/ (matches the end tag). Is this possible ? Example from HTML File ################### <!--VALUE:NAME=some_name --> TEXT TEXT TEXT<br> TEXT <b>TEXT</b> TEXT<br> <!--END --> Snippets from my code: ############################## #!perl open(INFILE,"<$TENTAFIL") or die "Can't open file\n"; @filen=<INFILE>; close(INFILE); until ($delar eq 'OK') { foreach $line (@filen) { chomp $line; if ($line m/^<!--VALUES:\+/) { $line =~ s/^<!--VALUES://; $line =~ s/$-->//; $values = $line; ################################ @arrline ?? @arrline = split(/&/,$values); foreach $i (0 .. $#values) { $values[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g; ($key, $value) = split(/=/,$values[$i],2); $values{$key} = $value; $delar = 'OK'; } } } foreach $line (@filen) { chomp $line; if ($line m/^<!--VALUE:\+/) { $line =~ s/^<!--VALUE://; $line =~ s/$-->//; $values2 = $line; ($key, $value) = split(/=/,$values2); $values{$value} = $text; } } ########################## ==== Want to unsubscribe from this list? ==== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-webcgi-request@macperl.org