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Re: [MacPerl] Server Side Includes

>You have two options as I see it:
>#1. Wait for WebStar 1.3 which will support SSI.
>#2. Dynamically create the web pages.
>How to do #2:
>Define an action in WebStar which says something like:
>If a file that ends in .html is requested, execute XXX CGI instead.

Or, just to add my $0.02, you might define the action to execute your cgi
only for pages that end in, say, .htmlx, and leave regular .html files
alone.  That way you don't need to take the speed hit on any pages that
don't need SSI.

Mark Nutter                           Internet: manutter@grove.iup.edu
College Technology Systems Manager      BITNET: MANUTTER@IUP
ACS/College of Fine Arts                   WWW: http://www.iup.edu/~manutter/
G-4 Stright Hall, IUP
Indiana, PA 15705
"Prejudice is what keeps us from seeing that every member of the human species
is a person with human rights equal to our own."