On Jan 28, 12:45am, Tom Pollard wrote: } Subject: Re: [MacPerl] Script works with debugger but ..... } jmanley@metronet.com (Jim Manley) wrote: } > a strange problem with the script on pgs 20 - 21. (I've } > reproduced the part I'm having trouble with below.) } > } > print "What is your name? "; } > $name = <STDIN>; } > chop($name); } > if ($name =~ /^jim\b/i) { } > print "Hello, Jim! How good of you to be here!\n"; } > } else { } > } > When I run the script without the debugger, it executes the first } > print statement properly. When I enter "Jim", the script exits } > but does not execute the second print statement. } > } > If I run the script with the debugger, it runs as expected. } > } > Anyone have any clues? } } The code is fine (works flawlessly in perl 4 on a Sun), but I agree } that it exhibits the problem you describe under MacPerl 5.05r1m. } Actually, it looks like it works correctly the first time, but if you } run it again without restarting MacPerl, then only the prompt string is } printed, no matter what you type in response. } } Tom I can't duplicate this with either 68k or ppc macperl. It runs flawlessly every time. Bill