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[MacPerl] ion@MATH.AMS.ORG

This is a test mail. Please do *not* send me an acknowledgement.

Since my previous attempt to stop the bounces was unsuccessful, I'm now
resorting to a different strategy:

 - Effective immediately, the mac-perl mailing list is MODERATED, i.e., all
   articles appearing will be manually approved by me. This should put an
   immediate stop to the annoying messages, at the price of slower propagation
   and a higher work load for me.
 - Following a suggestion by Dick Karpinski, I'm trying to isolate the
   offending address by sending a separate test mail manually to each 
   subscriber (Don't be fooled by the headers, this mail goes only to

   Please do not send me an acknowledgement.

 - It seems that NetCS is so disorganized that not even the phone number they 
   registered with the WHOIS database has any connection with reality.
 - Feel free to complain to postmaster@sms.netcs.net, but please:
   - Do *not* mailbomb them. One mail per subscriber seems fine. One mail per
     bounce message seems excessive. More than that, or the appending of 
     irrelevant large files, is net abuse in itself.
   - Do *not* Cc: me. I'm well aware of the situation.

Regards, and again my apologies.

Matthias Neeracher <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch> http://err.ethz.ch/members/neeri.html
   "We realize that this means the destruction of solar systems, but
    consider the alternative."     -- Vernor Vinge _A Fire Upon the Deep_