Coincidental to this discussion on manuals, I've had some feedback on my pod_srch.cgi script, which does a keyword search of the html files in the pod directory that comes with MacPerl. There were a couple bugs that I have now rooted out, and it should be working fairly cleanly now. If you're learning MacPerl and are having trouble finding what you are looking for, you might want to check out the search page: If anyone is interested, I've copied the code to Comments, criticisms, and suggestions are welcome, as always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Nutter Internet: College Technology Systems Manager BITNET: MANUTTER@IUP ACS/College of Fine Arts WWW: G-4 Stright Hall, IUP Indiana, PA 15705 "Prejudice is what keeps us from seeing that every member of the human species is a person with human rights equal to our own." =============================================================================