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Re: [MacPerl] availability of output in remote control mode

>John_Peterson@byu.edu writes:
>>How does one become aware that output is available from a
>>remote-controlled MacPerl script.  Do you really just have to keep
>Yes, there currently is no mechanism to "push" data from Perl other than
>reading or the end of the script.
>>The SASE and WANT parameters are for input, is there anything
>>analogous for output?
>No, but I'm willing to listen to reasonable suggestions that would demonstrate
>the practicality and usefulness of such a mechanism.

Well, I don't know whether this is feasible. What would really make my day
would be an option that allows me to send data directly to STDIN of a
running script and have the AppleScript component wait for an application
response with the data written to STDOUT from Perl. Vice versa Perl should
just wait till it receives a data event.

What would I use it for?

I have > 10 MB of data that I can only get at in chunks < 32k (blessed be
HyperCard's storage limits!). The data is linked to an index I need to
consult after every chunk. At the moment I use one Do Script event per 32k
chunk. With a Send Data event as described above I could avoid restarting
one and the same perl script each time I process a chunk (or gobbling up
processing power polling for the output).

Well, give them something great and instead of saying thank you they will
be clamouring for more.

                                            thank you,


/ Hans Martin Lehmann          []  Wiesendangerstr.4          \
| E-Mail: hmlehman@es.unizh.ch []  CH-8003 Zurich/Switzerland |
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