>Do I actually (in both AppleScript and MacPerl) have to make myself an >AppleEvent, or does stdout automatically get sent back? In MacPerl you can just print, but in AppleScript (Argh, I'm rustier than I thought on this!) I believe what you do is return a big long string of text. >Also, this means >that the user must wait for the whole page to be generated before they >see any output, right? Is there a way to send part of the page back, and >then more when it's ready? I'm not clear on this one myself. Anybody? >p.s. Is the max content for an AppleEvent 32k? I believe it's somewhat less than that, due to overhead. Did someone say something like 27K or so? I'm not terribly clear on this one either. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Nutter Internet: manutter@grove.iup.edu College Technology Systems Manager BITNET: MANUTTER@IUP ACS/College of Fine Arts WWW: http://www.iup.edu/~manutter/ G-4 Stright Hall, IUP Indiana, PA 15705 "Prejudice is what keeps us from seeing that every member of the human species is a person with human rights equal to our own." =============================================================================