>Anyone know how to get off this listserve? This listserve is managed by a consortium of Mormons, Jews for Jesus, and AT&T. You will *never* get off. We own your address and we will keep after you and after you until you begin reading this list attentively once again. You may hear from certain wicked, benighted heretics who claim that >If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can >send the following command in email to >"mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch": > > unsubscribe Do not listen to such blasphemies! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. That way lies perdition and the possible repeal of the Communications Decency Act. [Other list subscribers, take heed: never respond to this kind of question immediately after reading the Usenet Oracle. My apologies to sincere believers in the various religions and/or long-distance companies referenced above.] You owe the ListServ Oraperl a copy of the "Welcome to the MacPerl List" introductory message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Nutter Internet: manutter@grove.iup.edu College Technology Systems Manager BITNET: MANUTTER@IUP ACS/College of Fine Arts WWW: http://www.iup.edu/~manutter/ G-4 Stright Hall, IUP Indiana, PA 15705 "Prejudice is what keeps us from seeing that every member of the human species is a person with human rights equal to our own." =============================================================================