Brian segal <> writes: } I am writing a little test program to convert a tax included amount to a } net amount. It works just fine...except if the gross amount is an even } integer - then it returns an erroneous result. For example, if the tax is } 7% and I divide through by 1.07 ($net = $gross/1.07) and $gross = 107, I } get a net of 9!! (instead of 100). In which MacPerl? Tool or application? PPC or 68k? I just tried this in the 68k application: $gross = 107; $net = $gross/1.07; print "$net\n"; and, as expected, I got 100. Just to make sure things work as I expect $gross = 107; $net = $gross/1.08; print "$net\n"; gives 99.0740740740741. Did you syntax check your script? Maybe you're not doing what you think you're doing. } } Now, a friend, who is an experienced programmer, but who doesn't know } Perl, says it is because Perl is treating the number like an integer } instead of a floating point number (probably because it IS an integer, } having no decimal remainder). But Perl works very much like C (or Fortran for that matter) in these cases. It sees that 1.07 is a float, so it knows it has to promote $gross to float to do the division properly no matter what it contains. Now in C or Fortran what happens next depends on what $net was declared as, but there isn't such a problem in Perl. I suspect something wrong in the script, since I use Perl for numerical work all the time on Unix workstations and doubt very much that the way numerical computations are done changes at all in MacPerl. } } Question: How do I tell Perl that the integer is to be treated as a } floating point number...I seem to recall reading that Perl treats } integers like Floating point numbers as a matter of course, but that was } in a Unix Perl book (Teach yourself Perl in 21 days), not a MacPerl } manual (which I have never seen anywhere.) You should try $gross = 107. (note the decimal point), or even $gross = 1.07e2 and see whether or not things change for you. } } Sorry to bother you all with such trivia... } } Brian } } } } ************************************************************** } * Brian G Segal - - * } * R.R. #5 Antigonish, Nova Scotia * } * Canada B2G 2L3 * } * Phone/Fax 902-783-2772 * } * Home page: * } ************************************************************** } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA