(Richard Chang) writes: } Question on libwww: } What functionality does this library actually add for MacPerl? The ability to do client side http and parse html, if you're talking about libwww-perl-4. The ability to also do client side ftp, gopher, and a lot more if you're talking about libwww-perl-5. Neither of these will run out of the box under MacPerl. (libwww-perl-5 because MacPerl isn't up to version 5.002 yet, libwww-perl-4 because it's written for Unix). } } It seems that there are many routines to parse html documents, do syntax } checks, etc. Can you write a MacPerl routine to grab a page off the net? Yes, of course. I run routines like this several times a day. } (This you can do on UNIX.) I tried to run the "get" program in the } standard distribution, but I keep getting the message that the "method" is } not supported? Which method were you trying? As I recall, the get script tries to parse the method from the command line. If you got the libwww-perl from the standard places (CPAN or Roy Fielding's site), it won't work. Go to <> and you'll find a version of libwww-perl-4 that works under MacPerl and some scripts I used to use with it. If you want, I can send you a libwww-perl-5b6 that will work under MacPerl. } } } Richard Chang ( } } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA