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Re: [MacPerl] line buffering in perl5

time@ice.com (Tim Endres) writes:
> Neeri said:
>> You are right, and no, I'm not aware of any Perl mechanism to change bufferi
>> in running programs except $|. Maybe I should revise my idea of line bufferi
>> stdout. I had picked this as the default for no better reason than the fact
>> that UN*X does this, too.
>Could "re-opening" STDERR solve the problem?

re-opening STDOUT, you mean? I think that would indeed revert to full
buffering. BTW, this morning I discovered that there is now a new perl
extension called IO to modify buffering, so this will be customizable
in the next release anyway.


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
  "Modern electronic-rock music, inaugurated in the early 1960s,
   is, and always has been, a joint enterprise of British military
   intelligence and Satanic cults." -- Donald Phau