Matthias Ulrich Neeracher <> writes: } } Since I'm currently doing military service, I didn't have much time to } get involved in discussions on the mailing list, so here's a few thoughts } on this thread: After reading your article in the Perl Journal, all I can say is thank God for universal military service (in someone else's country, of course :-)) You may not feel the same :-) } } - Scott's remark about the lack of a path handling library is absolutely } correct, and noted as such. As far as I know, Kenneth Albanowski and/or } Charles Bailey are working on such a library. } - His point about line terminators in the parser was well taken. I've } inspected the perl sources to see what it would take to make the perl } parser recognize all end of line styles (CR, LF, CRLF), but with the } current I/O architecture, that's not possible in an efficient way. } Perl will soon switch to an sfio based architecture, and then, this project } is worth another look. } - Intuiting the OS from directory tests, as Daniel suggests, is somewhat too } risky (one day you might meet a freak Mac with a directory named "/") and } not necessary anyway: Just use the $^O variable. I used to name floppy disks with a / (/1, /2, etc.), and there are files like the "read/write OSAX". But I think part of this discussion has taken the wrong tack. There's need for standard path handling routines, but there's no need for portable ones that autodetect architectures. What I have in mind is something like what you've done with File::Basename, where it functions with Mac paths exactly like the Unix File::Basename functions with Unix paths. I don't expect to be able to copy File::Basename from my Mac to my Sun (or vice versa) and have it work. All I expect is that basename() give me the right result for the archtecture I'm using, and since File::Basename is in the standard distribution, I can use it without worry that it won't exist. But the key is to get the routines into the standard Perl 5 distribution, and to write the routines so they do the "right" thing for each architecture. } } I've made a lot of progress over the weekend. Expect considerable improvements } in the Help system RSN. } } Matthias } } ----- } Matthias Neeracher <> } "Then anyone who leaves behind him a written manual, and likewise } anyone who receives it, in the belief that such writing will be } clear and certain, must be exceedingly simple-minded..." } -- Plato, _Phaedrus_ } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA