Roger Hill <> } I've just been trying to do netmask manipulation in MacPerl (5.03r1m) } There appear to be problems with the bitwise not of certain numbers, } Specifically, accorind to macperl :- } } ~ffffff00 is 7fffffff } and } ~7fffffff is 80000000 (which is correct.) } } Is there something strange going on here to do with the handling } of signed quantities and coversions? It would be nice if Perl } behaved as expected :-) } } If this problem is solved by a Macperl upgrade then GAIA. This works for me under 5.10b2r2: #!perl $a = 0x7fffffff; $b = ~$a; printf("%x %x\n",$a,$b); $b = 0xffffff00; $a = ~$b; printf("%x %x\n",$b,$a); which gives: 7fffffff 80000000 ffffff00 ff So it seems to be working in 68k (Powerbook 165) BigMacPerl. I just checked, and it also works like this: #!perl $a = 0x7fffffff; $b = ~0x7fffffff; printf("%x %x\n",$a,$b); $b = 0xffffff00; $a = ~0xffffff00; printf("%x %x\n",$b,$a); Maybe it's a PPC problem, or maybe it's been fixed in since 5.03. Try a later version and see what you get. } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } Roger Hill aka } } Call this a sig....:-? } } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA