I'm running bigperl 510b2r2 on a PPC 9500 under Toolserver. The following script, when executed on a Pentium 166 running Linux with 300K input file, takes 3 sec. On the PPC with MacPerl, it takes 53 sec. Why? What can I do to speed this up? (script is run like this: bigperl script.pl < infile > outfile ) #!/usr/local/bin/perl while (<>) { if (/^(resource|data)\s*\'(([^\']|\\\'){4})\'\s*\((-?\d+)/i) { my($rtype, $number) = ($2, $4); push (@hunks, $hunk) if $hunk; $hunk = [$rtype, $number]; } push(@$hunk, $_); } push (@hunks, $hunk) if $hunk; map { map { print; } @$_[2..$#$_]; } sort { (uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0])) || ($a->[1] <=> $b->[1]); } @hunks; thanks, -steve