I am going to implement a simple UNIX file check-in check-out system in Perl with interface for the Web; before I start to implement it (I have some but not lots of experience with Perl), I'd like to hear is someone has already developed something similar I could start from. I'd like to develop it with MacPerl 5 and then use it on Unix. Here is how I see the check-in module: The Perl script will built an html form containing an enhanced "ls -l" result: - For each file, there will be either a button "check-in" or a short text with the comments entered by who has checked-in the file, and a button "View" (or a direct ftp link to the file). - the form will also contain a text field for the comment concerning the check-in (why for the user checks-in the file), the text that will be shown after in place of the button - When the user clicks on the button "check-in", he will get the link for the file (or directly the file?) File can be any text or binary files. I shall think of the check-out later; for now, let's assume it will be done manually. Thank-you. Gaspard ___________________________________________________ Gaspard Gendreau, ESA-ESRIN ID/MM via Galileo Galilei, 00044 Frascati, Italy Tel. +39 (0)6 - 941 80 439 fax. +39 (0)6 - 941 80 432 Gaspard.Gendreau@esrin.esa.it ___________________________________________________